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Your wish list is empty.
Es gelten folgende Bedingungen:
Die Lieferung der Ware erfolgt weltweit.
Versandkosten (inklusive gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer)
Lieferungen im Inland (Deutschland):
- Brief (ohne Sendungsverfolgung) (4 €)
- Einschreiben (mit Sendungsverfolgung) (7 €)
Lieferungen ins Ausland:
- Brief (ohne Sendungsverfolgung) (4 €)
- Einschreiben (mit Sendungsverfolgung) (7 €)
Soweit im jeweiligen Angebot keine andere Frist angegeben ist, erfolgt die Lieferung der Ware im Inland (Deutschland) innerhalb von 2-3 Tagen, bei Auslandslieferungen innerhalb von 2-7 Tagen nach Vertragsschluss (bei vereinbarter Vorauszahlung nach dem Zeitpunkt Ihrer Zahlungsanweisung). Beachten Sie, dass an Sonn- und Feiertagen keine Zustellung erfolgt. Haben Sie Artikel mit unterschiedlichen Lieferzeiten bestellt, versenden wir die Ware in einer gemeinsamen Sendung, sofern wir keine abweichenden Vereinbarungen mit Ihnen getroffen haben. Die Lieferzeit bestimmt sich in diesem Fall nach dem Artikel mit der längsten Lieferzeit den Sie bestellt haben.
Our website uses cookies. Some of them are essential, others help us improve this website and your user experience.
Essential (3) Essential
Essential cookies enable basic functions and are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.
Provider | EMFA GmbH |
Description | The consent cookies stores the user’s state of consent for cookies on our page. |
Policy | https://www.emfa-shop.de/en/privacy-policy/ |
Lifespan | Session |
Provider | EMFA GmbH |
Description | The session cookie retains the user’s states during all page requests. |
Policy | https://www.emfa-shop.de/en/privacy-policy/ |
Lifespan | Session |
Provider | EMFA GmbH |
Description | The CSRF cookie serves to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks. |
Policy | https://www.emfa-shop.de/en/privacy-policy/ |
Lifespan | Session |
Statistics (1)
Statistics cookies collect information anonymously. This information helps us understand how visitors are interacting with our website.
Google Analytics (_ga, _gid, _gcl_au, _gat_xxx, _gac_xxx)
Provider | |
Description | The cookies "_ga" and "_gid" contain random user IDs to recognize recurring visitors. The cookie "_gat_xxx" ensures that certain data is only sent to Google Analytics once a minute. The cookie "_gac_xxx" is set when a user reaches the website via a click on a Google ad and when the website operator does not use Google Ads, but has linked his Google Ads account with the Google Analytics property. Use this cookie to associate conversions, contact requests, or other events with the ad. The cookie "_gcl_au" is used by Google AdSense to optimize the advertising efficiency on websites. |
Policy | https://policies.google.com/privacy |
Lifespan | "_ga": 730 days, "_gcl_au" and "_gac_****": 90 days, "_gid": 1 day, "_dc_gtm_", "_gat_****" and "_gat": session |
External media (1)
Content by video platforms and social media platforms are blocked by default. If you accept cookies by external media, access to these contents requires no further consent.
Provider | |
Description | The Google reCAPTCHA script serves to ensure the reCAPTCHA functionality. |
Policy | https://policies.google.com/privacy |
Lifespan | Session |
PayPal (1)
Essential Cookies are required to enable key functions as well as the stable functionality of the website.
PayPal Cookies
Provider | PayPal |
Description | The three Cookies X-PP-SILOVER, X-PP-L7 and tsrc contain information about risk management and the customer’s login status. |
Policy | https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/ua/legalhub-full |
Lifespan | Session |
Functional (1)
These cookies are used to store preferred settings and certain options selected by the user (e.g. disabling language redirect).
Automatic language redirect
Provider | EMFA GmbH |
Description | This cookie saves the information whether a user has disabled the automatic language redirect. |
Policy | https://www.emfa-shop.de/en/privacy-policy/ |
Lifespan | Session |